I got my hands on a barrel composter and we are working on our first batch of compost created from food waste.
The composter was sitting unused behind a house that my friend is renting. The landlord is another friend of mine's best friend from high school who now lives in another city. I had previously helped develop the landlords web site so I felt comfortable asking her if I could borrow the composter. Small towns, eh?
It's funny how easily some things fall into place.
I have tracked down a charity that I believe directly applies to the principles I have been espousing in regards to global population control.
UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, is an international development agency that promotes the right of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity. UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV/AIDS, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect.
A direct donation is not tax deductible as the organization is not based in the US. In order to make a tax deductible donation an American chapter has been organized at: http://www.americansforunfpa.org.
World Neighborhood Fund
I don't know that I ever mentioned the name and URL of the charity that I helped with some design work. It is the World Neighborhood Fund at http://worldneighborhoodfund.org. Many of their causes focus on educating and protecting women of which I am a strong proponent.
I helped them develop their logo and integrate it into their web site. I am pleased to report that the net result, according to their feedback, was an increase in donations.
Pearl Jam
I am happy to see that Pearl Jam is receiving national recognition for their Carbon Portfolio Strategy. http://www.pearljam.com/activism/carbon.php
I am a closet musician with occasional delusions of grandeur and have been trying to work out a similar strategy. I would love for my business to have net zero emissions.