Thursday, January 26, 2006

Infinite War

The abuse of executive power seems to be the topic of the moment. I caught George Bush on TV this morning and he took some heat from the press in regards to wire-tapping and human rights violations. It is a little scary that Judge Alito is probably going to be confirmed as the next US Supreme Court Justice as he supports a stronger executive branch.

Bush claims that he has done nothing illegal in regards to wire-tapping, but in the press conference he appeared to backtrack saying that the law in question is out of date. From The Boston Globe "Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), which specifically requires the attorney general to obtain prior authorization from a judge, in a secret expedited proceeding, before engaging in domestic spying or wiretapping. Now, the president says that that law is ''insufficient" and ''outdated" to meet the current threats in the war on terror because it was passed nearly 30 years ago. The Constitution took effect in 1789 -- and it is still good law today."

I also get a little nervous when Bush talks about North Korea. Apparently talks have broken down because of counterfeiting and the President talked about the need to defend our currency. I worry that when the President says defend he actually means attack. I think he mentioned trade sanctions in regards to stopping the counterfeiting, but the rhetoric may be setting the stage for the next volley of the, "Infinite War."

If I get a vote I vote no on, "Infinite War."

The war on terrorism seems to have suffered a set-back as the Palestinian people have elected the Islamic Hamas to lead them. It's my understanding that the Hamas group was founded to drive the Jewish people out of Israel. This does not bode well for Israeli-Palestinian relations.

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